Movement Still Strong - Replacement Costs Up
Seed movement continues to be very strong in all sectors pushing prices higher and cleaning up limited inventories. Replacement costs have often matched last selling price. The Pacific Northwest is experiencing drier than normal weather. Field pests remain a problem. Not to sound bleak, but all roads seem to point toward a scenario dominated by minimal carryover, high old crop prices, and likely slow pricing on new crop. Growers and suppliers alike are going to want to know crop quantity and quality before selling too much ahead. We thank you for all the business you’ve sent our way, and thank you in advance for the patience you will have as we work our way through the next few months.
Two New All-Purpose Annual Ryegrasses
As some of you know, we have been making a concerted effort to evaluate, then introduce, new annual ryegrass varieties developed out of breeding programs beyond the traditional sources for most of our domestic annual ryegrasses. We have found that these varieties are providing unique maturities and growth characteristics. These new selections include our early Rapido diploid and late tetraploid Koga. In this newsletter, we want to highlight two varieties that are more mid-maturing - Baqueano and Trinova. Here’s a bit about each:
Baqueano is a very leafy, medium-late maturing tetraploid annual. In other parts of the world it is know for rapid establishment, high digestibility, lush growth and an extensive canopy cover. Baqueano produces an abundant amount of long and wide leaves. These leaves are very tender and digestible, making Baqueano excellent feed for any grazing livestock.
While Baqueano can be grazed or harvested for hay early in the season, its most significant growth begins mid-season and continues through until flowering. Producers in the northern portions of the South will find this very beneficial, as well as others desiring abundant forage during the second half of the growing season. For producers desiring to maximize early regrowth of warm-season perennial forage, such as bermudagrass, Baqueano may need to be chemically terminated before obtaining its complete yields.
Trinova has a similar growth curve to Baqueano, but showing more growth in the middle of the season. It is also more upright than Baqueano. Its strong mid-season growth is exemplified in the most recent Auburn University forage trials at Fairhope, Alabama. Trinova was the highest scoring entry in the middle harvest, taken just last month on March 29th. Trinova is not too early and not too late, but fits quite well for producers who need strong mid-season growth. Trinova would also provide high forage quality for silage producers who need to cut early in the season.
These two varieties are ideal for many programs, as they work for most producers. Talk to your Smith Seed Representative about booking 2021 crop as well as options for long-term contracts. Visit our website to learn more about these varieties and our many other offerings.