Tall Fescue
In addition to providing top-performing endophyte-free forage varieties, we supply the global wholesale market with high-quality domestic and OECD quality fawn and Oregon-grown Kentucky-31. Our grower base and production relationships provide us a strong presence in these markets. Common varieties available upon request.
Cajun II
Forage Tall Fescue
Cajun II is an affordable alternative to novel endophyte tall fescue. Long-lasting, high yielding, and simply endophyte-free.
Forage Tall Fescue
Ranchero is an all-purpose endophyte-free tall fescue with quick and vigorous growth, good for both forage and erosion control.
Forage Tall Fescue
Hymark endophyte-free tall fescue is a good choice for better summer yields and drought-stressed areas.