Persist Orchardgrass

If you want an orchardgrass that will last, even under intense grazing pressure, look no further than Persist orchardgrass! Persist orchardgrass was specifically selected for long-term performance and persistence under grazing.

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Persist was specifically selected for improved persistence under grazing and other stressful situations. One of the best examples was demonstrated in SW Tennessee during a grazing trial with Benchmark. After four years, there was a 70-80% stand of Persist compared to a 0-10% stand of Benchmark. Even after six years, the Persist stand was still very adequate for grazing! Longer persistence means more profit. For every year that a farmer does not have to reseed, they defer new planting costs, which may be up to $35 per acre.


Persist has consistently demonstrated the ability to produce high yields. It is typical for producers to achieve a minimum of 9% higher yields than other orchardgrasses. This amounts to a typical additional profit of at least $25 per acre.

Animal Gain

Planting Persist means more animal gain. The University of Tennessee found that Persist out-performed KY-31 tall fescue by nearly double the gains. In 82 days of grazing, steer gained 99 lbs on Persist and 127 lbs on Persist with clover, compared to gains of only 59 lbs on KY-31!

Enhance Your Seed

Persist is available both in raw seed or enhanced with our Nitro-NP™ exclusive coating technology package to help in germination, root hair development, and new leaf growth. 

Coated orchardgrass seed

A Valuable Variety For Seed Dealers

Our orchardgrass varieties not only perform well for farmers, they also are very valuable to seed dealers. Contact us today to see if dealer options are available in your area.