
October 2019

October 2019

What’s happening with annual ryegrass prices?

Annual ryegrass has taken a rapid price drop over the past month. What’s the cause and is it over? Let’s take a look.

Due to last year’s extra wet conditions, we entered new crop with carryover. To most, this was a nice reprieve from the numerous years of zero carry and stressful new crop shipping. Market price seemed to stabilize early at what appeared to be a fairly comfortable level for seed growers and seed sellers. Summer shipments started out very good. However, shipment slowed down dramatically in September.

As many of you know, the major consumption area of the Southeast has been suffering through heat and drought. International markets were also cautiously quiet. Oregon’s initial ryegrass shipments filled up the distributors, who then filled up their dealer’s stores. Unfortunately, that’s where the flow stopped. Thanks to the drought, the farmers did not come in to buy their seed. Thus, no re-orders from dealers, no re-orders from distributors, and no calls to the growers.

Some growers have begun to feel the need for more room in the barn, the need for cash flow, or concern that they may have to carry their crop longer than desired. Combined with a quiet market and few buyers, the price has rapidly fallen, but consumption hasn’t picked up yet. That said, rains are coming in the south and the international markets are more active, giving hope that the bottom is close.

Nexus GT Now Available

We are pleased to announce the availability of our newest turf perennial ryegrass - Nexus GT. This is the third generation of Nexus genetics, and is expected to provide GREAT TURF when used straight or mixed with other grasses for both permanent cool season lawns, as well as overseeding warm season turf in the winter months.

As to be expected, Nexus GT is one of the darkest varieties available, according to the latest NTEP genetic color charts.

For those looking to improve red thread and pink snow mold resistance to their formulas, Nexus GT looks to deliver.

A complete tech sheet is available upon request or 24/7 at www.SmithSeed.com.

Now for the important new: We are offering special introductory pricing on Nexus GT. Want to know more? Contact your Smith Seed Representative.