Crop Comments
The 2009 Willamette Valley grass seed crop looks pretty healthy. As of this writing, quite a bit of Fawn and Annual Ryegrass have been windrowed. Comments on yield are all positive. Concerns center mostly around the mechanical quality of the turf-type perennial ryegrass fields, which continue to be challenged by other crop, weed infestations.
Remember our Ryegrasses
Whether you are looking for a spot purchase or an exclusive market protected program, remember we have some great annual ryegrasses including three tetraploids and one diploid. All four have evidenced themselves over numerous years and multiple locations of independent testing at university research sites, especially throughout the South. When looking for excellent annual ryegrasses, look no further than your friends at Smith Seed Services.
Ed Diploid Annual Ryegrass - Bred for improved cold tolerance and crown rust resistance, Ed has high yields and the strength of diploid ryegrass.
Attain Tetraploid Annual Ryegrass - A sister line to Jumbo that really yields!
Big Boss Tetraploid Annual Ryegrass - A selection out of Big Daddy, Jumbo and crossed with T-3 for more cold tolerance.
Verdure Tetraploid Annual Ryegrass - A selection out of Blizzard with superior disease resistance, re-growth, and yields.
Note: It is in times like this, when market prices have shifted downward that consumers may be more open to switching to improved varieties, since their cost from the previous year will be lower AND they can get a better product. Seize the day!
New Tall Fescue available this Fall
While supplies might be limited, we are excited to offer our newest turf-type tall fescue this fall - Hudson. Hudson is a selection primarily out of germplasm from old turf plots in the East where according to the breeder plants where exhibiting “superior turf quality during the hot humid summer months when the heat stress, brown patch and pythium diseases were the most severe.” Hudson has been entered in the latest NTEP trials under the experimental name “DKS” and is showing impressive results under many categories including turf quality, color, sod strength, shade, drought, salinity tolerance, and brown patch resistance. Look for more information soon at or ask for a copy of our Hudson Technical Report
Good News from housing
According the Market Trends June 2009 report (, pending home sales are up for a third straight month. Their comment was that “once homes are sold, look for an influx of opportunity in residential landscape.” The Pending Home Sales Index is a index that looks forward and is based on homes entering contract. Year to year comparisons for April’s of ‘09 and ‘08 show the Midwest up 11.1%, the South up 3.5%, and the West up 2.9%. While the Northeast was up only 0.8% over last year, it had an increase of 32.6% from the previous month.
Ten Keys to a Profitable Forage Program
Key #1 - Know Forage Options and Animal Nutritional Needs
Forages vary as to adaptation, growth distribution, quality, yield, persistence, and potential uses. Also, various types and classes of animals have different nutritional needs. Good planting decisions require knowing forage options for the land resources and nutritional needs of the animals.
From “Ten Keys to a Profitable Forage Program” - Keys.pdf