
September 2005

September 2005

Crop Watch

There’s not much new to report from last month, except that we are seeing higher than normal cleanouts in the annual ryegrasses, primarily because of excess dirt. Perennial ryegrass yields were slightly below average overall. Some areas reported average yields, while there were a few areas where yields were down. There were also reports of some second and third year fields way below average. Cleanouts may be higher than normal overall on perennial ryegrasses.

Market Watch

Like the rest of the nation, we are saddened at the tragedies the citizens in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama are facing. In no way minimizing their direct difficulties, it appears that the effects of Hurricane Katrina will affect us all in one way or the other. A direct effect will be the price of shipping as well as the availability of trucks out West. As an industry, we usually pay “relatively” cheap shipping rates. Other industries are willing to pay more than we do to move their freight, thereby putting us at a less than preferred status amongst freight companies. Now with the price of fuel jumping up significantly, it may be even harder to get trucks. We have been told to expect $200-400/load increases in fuel surcharges. Bottom line: PLAN FOR HIGHER FREIGHT RATES AND SLOWER ORDER TURNAROUND TIMES!


Anticipating the possibility that Persist orchardgrass may become one of the most useful orchardgrasses ever developed, Smith Seed has launched two new websites: www.PersistOrchardgrass.com and www.PlantForKeeps.com. These mirror sites provide our customer and the general public valuable information on this exciting new variety. Visit one of these site and see if you should be carrying Persist. Then contact us to get your new orchardgrass! (Supplies are limited and certain areas have marketing restrictions.)

Be Sure To Try Our New Ryes!

Speaking of new varieties, make sure you take a look at our three new tetraploid annual ryegrasses - Verdure, Big Boss, and Attain. These new tetraploids offer high yields and excellent disease resistance. You can find plenty of information and performance results on each of them at www.SmithSeed.com, or you can call and ask for detailed Tech Sheets. Regional exclusivities are still available! At minimum, make sure you get some with your next order and put in the hands of a few key farmers and extension agents.

Verdure tetraploid annual ryegrass logo