January 2005Volume 5.01
Sometimes it helps our decision making to find out what others think the future holds. This issue provides a bit of a peek into what the future might bring regarding prices on selected crops based upon current market prices and new crop booking activities, as we know them.
February 2005Volume 5.02
In this issue, we review the current market conditions for Kentucky bluegrass, creeping red fescue and Oregon-grown fine fesuce. We also share some performance data for Kenway Red Clover from the University of Kentucky.
March 2005Volume 5.03
This month's newsletter includes a crop and market update as well as several announcements, including: legal changes in Pennsylvania and our new website.
April 2005Volume 5.04
Our April newsletter contains some good news about current crops: the rains came! Also, we remind you of three of our turf varieties that better disease resistance and share with you some information about Titan Ltd.
May 2005Volume 5.05
Have you ever wondered why perennial ryegrass looks like it has been run through a shredder after mowing it? This month, we share an answer to that question and more good news about crops!
June 2005Volume 5.06
In this issue, we provide a brief crop and market update, a look at some new date about Attain and Big Boss Tetraploid Annual Ryegrasses and the latest Titan Ltd. data from Rutgers.
July 2005Volume 5.07
In this month's newsletter we discuss the current crop challenges and market adjustments, also we encourage you to take a look at our new annual ryegrass varieties and share some Persist Orchardgrass testimonials.
August 2005Volume 5.08
Our August newsletter includes discusses the harvest of annual ryegrass, perennial ryegrass and orchardgrass and the current market conditions of tall fescue and annual ryegrass.
September 2005Volume 5.09
In this newsletter, we express our sympathies for those affected by Hurricane Katrina. No doubt this affects us all in one way or the other. Also, we give a brief update on the crop and market situation and remind you of a few of our forage products.
October 2005Volume 5.10
In this newsletter, we talk about endophyte and difference it can make in lawns. We give reasons to love endophyte and tips on promoting the value of endophyte.
November 2005Volume 5.11
Our November newsletter contains highlights from the state of Oregon's commission reports for grasses and a few of our observations.
December 2005Volume 5.12
In our final newsletter of the year, we provide a brief market and crop update, an announcement about a new turf-type perennial ryegrass and a look at the freeze tolerance of various turf grasses.