White Clover Bucket Study
Watch these videos to learn more about the extensive spreading characteristics of Renovation & Kakariki White Clovers.
Alabama Annual Ryegrass Trials
Join us for a video walk-thru of Auburn University's annual ryegrass trials in Headland, AL.
Annual Ryegrass Trials
Join us for a walk-thru of Auburn University's 2024 Annual Ryegrass Trials at five locations.
Annual Ryegrass Trials
Join us for a walk-thru of Auburn University's 2025 Annual Ryegrass Trials at Headland, AL
Clover and Cover Crop Trials
These walk-through videos were taken in Texas in January 2019 and in early May trials in northern Louisiana and Central Mississippi.
Continuous vs. Rotational Grazing
A video about the different recovery rates in orchardgrass grazing from the University of KY.
Fertilizer Management
A very practical article about fertilizer management for grass & grass-legume mixtures from Utah State's Extension.
Forage Identification & Use Guide
Use guides for most popular cool season forages from the University of Kentucky.
Forage Seed Guide
An in-house publication with details about species and our specific varieties.
Forage Yields in Florida
We walk through the public annual ryegrass plots in Marianna, FL noting the unique characteristics of Baqueno, Dexter, FrostProof, Trinova, GrazeKeeper, Rapido, Green Dragon, Mantis, and Halsey.
Grazing Vetch and Pea Observations
Join us for a visit at Clemson’s Edisto Research Campus in Blackville, SC. We'll look at the tail end of a “modified” cover crop study followed by a root review of plants we dug up.
Measuring Pasture Legume Content
A new method using digital photography and Powerpoint software from W. VA's Extension.
Pasture Condition Scoring Procedure
A step-by-step approach to using the Pasture Condition Score Sheet.
Photo Gallery of Various Legume Content
Various examples of the method described in "Measuring Pasture Legume Content".