Plant a New Lawn: Scratching the Surface
Lightly rake it in. A quick, gentle raking will help obtain that very important seed-to-soil contact.
Plant a New Lawn: Review the Seeding Job
After spreading out your seed, walk the area. It is better to touch-up areas now than have unnecessary bare spots later.
Plant a New Lawn: Spreading the Seed
It's time to spread the seed! First spread it one way over the whole lawn, then change directions and spread the other way. This ensures full coverage. Lastly, spread a little extra seed on the edges by hand.
Plant a New Lawn: Using a Spreader
A few tips on setting the spreader and figuring out square feet.
Plant a New Lawn: Buy Good Seed
Buying good seed starts with reading the tag.
Plant a New Lawn: Competing With Trees
Using tall fescue gives your lawn a fighting chance against trees in the battle for water and nutrients.
Plant a New Lawn: Create the Right Environment
Seeds are little baby plants. It's important to create the right environment so they will grow strong.
Plant a New Lawn: My Favorite Lawn Tool
A landscape rake is a great tool to help move dirt around and level large areas.
Plant a New Lawn: Bringing in Dirt
This is the perfect time to level out the low areas in your lawn.
Plant a New Lawn: Killing the Existing Lawn
How to kill a lawn using a non-selective herbicide. Be careful not to overspray, or you might kill your neighbor's lawn.
Plant a New Lawn: Get a Game Plan
It takes a bit of effort to plant a new lawn, but it's worth it. First, the lawn will be killed with a non-selective herbicide and any low spots filled in with topsoil. After planting the grass seed, a protective "blanket" will be laid on the lawn.
Plant a New Lawn: Why I Need a New Lawn
Thinking of re-doing your lawn? Bare spots, damage from disease, settling of soil, and even just having the wrong variety of grass for your lawn are some of the reasons you might want to replace your lawn.