Turf Grasses
Titan GLX Turf-Type Tall Fescue - Prepare for Your Summer Vacation
Just 37 days after planting, Titan GLX has already put down nearly five inches of roots, even though its top growth is less than an inch tall.
Upstart Turf Annual Ryegrass
Upstart outperforms older turf annual ryegrasses with richer color, denser stands, finer blades, and slower growth.
Fairfield Turf-Type Tall Fescue
Fairfield is our darkest tall fescue ever! Its rich, dark green turf is an enhancement to any lawn.
Plant A New Lawn
Have you ever considered replacing your lawn? These videos will give you an explanation about the project, some reasons to replant a lawn, and the four general steps of planting a new lawn.
Galactic Turf-Type Tall Fescue
Galactic is poised to become a fast favorite of professionals and turf-loving homeowners alike. It can be planted by itself or used as a leading leg in mixes for high demanding turf applications, including athletic fields and other professional venues.
Isabel Kentucky Bluegrass
Rutgers University
September 2023
Isabel Kentucky Bluegrass at Rutgers University, September 2023. Isabel offers attractive turf at an affordable price. Great for home lawns, parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, and anywhere one would want to walk barefoot in the grass.
Plant a New Lawn: Introduction
Are you ready to replace your lawn? Join one man on a video journey through the process.
Plant a New Lawn: Why I Need a New Lawn
Thinking of re-doing your lawn? Bare spots, damage from disease, settling of soil, and even just having the wrong variety of grass for your lawn are some of the reasons you might want to replace your lawn.
Plant a New Lawn: Get a Game Plan
It takes a bit of effort to plant a new lawn, but it's worth it. First, the lawn will be killed with a non-selective herbicide and any low spots filled in with topsoil. After planting the grass seed, a protective "blanket" will be laid on the lawn.
Plant a New Lawn: Bringing in Dirt
This is the perfect time to level out the low areas in your lawn.
Plant a New Lawn: My Favorite Lawn Tool
A landscape rake is a great tool to help move dirt around and level large areas.
Plant a New Lawn: Create the Right Environment
Seeds are little baby plants. It's important to create the right environment so they will grow strong.