The Nitro-Coat® Advantage Series
Enjoy the 12-part Nitro-Coat® advantage video series. A thorough examination of Rhizobium and inoculation, as well as a look at the benefits of Nitro-Coat®.

Part 1 - What are Rhizobium?
Learn the basics of rhizobium, how they are formed and their benefit to legumes.

Part 2 - What is the Nodulation Process?
Dr. Bouton explains the nodulation process in simple to understand terms.

Part 3 - Why are high numbers important?
Inoculation is fundamentally a numbers game and one rhizobium per seed is definitely too low of a number! Dr. Bouton describes the underground battle that face rhizobium.

Part 4 - Do Legumes Need Rhizobium?
Dr. Bouton answers the fundamental question and explains the opportunity cost of not inoculating compared to the potential gains when legumes are properly inoculated.

Part 5 - The History of Inoculation
Dr. Bouton helps us see that farmers have valued the need for inoculating seed even before they understood the process.

Part 6 - Why Use Coated Seed
Is it better to inoculate seed manually or buy it pre-inoculated and coated? Dr. Bouton compares the two choices.

Part 7 - Are There Problems With Preinoculated Seed?
Dr. Bouton addresses the question of potential problems with using pre-inoculated seed.

Part 8 - Do I need to change my seeding rate?
When using coated seed, does a farmer need to change the seeding rate? Dr. Bouton explains why the answer is usually "no".

Part 9 - Do Improved Varieties Need Rhizobium?
Dr. Bouton explains why inoculation is all the more important when using improved legumes so as to obtain the maximum potential return.

Part 10 - What Can I Expect With Nitro-Coat®?
Nitro-Coat® offers a high number of rhizobium next to the seed to maximize proper inoculation. With proper inoculation, legumes can achieve their maximum yield and potential to capture nitrogen.

Part 11 - How does Nitro-Coat® benefit cover crops?
When planting legumes for cover crops, usually the purpose is to gain some free nitrogen. Ensuring those legume seeds are properly inoculated is essential. Dr. Bouton explains why Nitro-Coat® is the ideal way to do this.

Part 12 - How does Nitro-Coat® affect protein and feed values ?
By ensuring proper inoculation, Nitro-Coated legumes are positioned to produces strong healthy plants full of protein for increased animal gains and forage performance