WinterKing Hairy Vetch

A PVP protected variety which began with selection work by Steve Groff in E. PA, WinterKing demonstrates improved winter hardiness, delayed flowering and the capacity to produce large amounts of high-nitrogen biomass.

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Improved Winter Hardiness

Better winter hardiness equates to more biomass. More biomass provides increased forage for livestock, more biomass for cover croppers, and increased weed suppression for all. Those desiring high nitrogen-fixing legumes for green manure, forage grazing, wildlife and pollinator attractants should find WinterKing an improved option over other legumes that lack cold tolerance.

A field with dense vegetation
A close up photo of hair vetch flowering

Delayed Flowering

As an annual legume, hairy vetch may need to be terminated either mechanically or chemically when followed by a row crop. Some producers may find the late maturity of WinterKing reduces the potential for undesired seed propagation found in earlier maturing cover crop varieties. For livestock producers, WinterKing’s late maturity means more vegetative high value feed longer into the spring season.


WinterKing has shown potential to produce 150-200 lbs. N/acre, especially when allowed to reach maturity later in the season. This is beneficial for green manure as well as providing an extended high-protein source for grazing livestock throughout the full spring season.

A field with dense vegetation

Cover Crop Performance

In the October of 2019, researchers with the University of Tennessee planted extensive cover crop trials in three Tennessee locations – Knoxville, Spring Hill, and Milan. In addition to assessments of nitrogen content and release, assessment were conducted for ground cover, biomass and height. The data below reflects averages of all three sites. Site-specific data and complete results available upon request.

University of Tennessee

Biomass, Canopy Cover, and Height

Three Location Average



VarietyBiomass (Tons DM/A)Canopy Cover (%)Height (in)
AU Merit Hairy Vetch1.22.3775461423
Patagonia Inta Hairy Vetch1.01.9571451423
Purple Bounty Hairy Vetch0.81.9350431626
Namoi Woolypod Vetch1.41.8368491525
WinterKing Hairy Vetch1.21.8353441624
Villana Hairy Vetch0.71.6240441425
Common Vetch1.03.0345481218

See complete trial here.

University of Tennessee

Nitrogen Content/Estimated Nitrogen Release

Three Location Average



VarietyBiomass (Tons DM/A)Total Nitrogen (%)Est. N Released: April Termination (lbs/ac)Est. N Released: May Termination (lbs/ac)
 AprilMayAprilMay2 wks.4 wks.12 wks2 wks.4 wks.12 wks
AU Merit Hairy Vetch1.
Common Vetch0.
Patagonia Inta1.
Villana Hairy Vetch0.
WinterKing Hairy Vetch1.
Purple Bounty Hairy Vetch0.
Namoi Woolypod Vetch0.

See complete trial here.

Forage Quality

Louisiana State University

Hairy Vetch Evaluation Trial (Forage Quality)

Winnsboro, LA



AU Merit0.520.3824.31
Oregon VNS0.500.3722.47

Yield Data


Louisiana State University

Hairy Vetch Evaluation Trial (Forage Quality)

Winnsboro, LA



VarietyHarvest Date
EntryMarch 27May 11Total
Oregon Origin93119072838
Common Vetch10683221391
Naomi Wooly Pod1108------1108

Coat for Optimal Performance

For optimal performance, WinterKing should be inoculated with Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viceae. This is best achieved with Nitro-Coat®.

Coated vetch seed

A Valuable Variety For Seed Dealers

Our hairy vetch varieties not only perform well for farmers, they also are very valuable to seed dealers. Contact us today to see if dealer options are available in your area.

Planting Instructions

WinterKing hairy vetch can be seeded at a rate of 10-40 lbs/acre depending on the mix or purpose. For best results, plant 3-6 weeks prior to the average first killing frost. Ideal seeding depth: ½–1½".

Seeding Rate

Drilled (Pure Stand)
15–20 lbs/ac
Drilled (In a Mix)
10–15 lbs/ac
Broadcast (Pure Stand)
25–40 lbs/ac
Broadcast (In a Mix)
15–20 lbs/ac

Planting Dates

3-6 weeks prior to the average first killing frost

Planting Map

Planting Depth

1/2 – 1 1/2"