Titan GLX Turf-Type Tall Fescue

Coming soon—fall 2024! Our latest release boasting very attractive turf, better disease resistance, and great color.

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Variety Summary

In sync with the high-performance standards of our Titan line, this fifth-generation release takes the Titans to a new level. It is both beautiful and durable, providing the opportunity to have a great lawn, even in harsh and demanding conditions.

Titan GLX brings improvements in three key areas:

  • First, its overall turf quality and appearance make it one of the most attractive tall fescues on the market. It is denser, finer bladed and is darker in color.
  • Second, we’ve improved our brown patch resistance. This is one of them most damaging diseases in tall fescue and Titan GLX has more combative powers wired into its genetics.
  • Third, Titan GLX has added disease resistance to the latest turf enemy- gray leaf spot.

Enhance Your Seed

We provide an array of seed enhancements, including bio stimulants, macro and micronutrients, water absorbents, fungicides, and colorants. These are available for all seed types and uses.

Coated tall fescue seeds

A Valuable Variety For Seed Dealers

Our Titan tall fescue varieties not only perform well for homeowners and lawn professionals worldwide, they also are very valuable to seed dealers. Contact us today to see if dealer options are available in your area.