Fairfield Turf-Type Tall Fescue
Fairfield is our darkest tall fescue ever! Its rich, dark green turf is an enhancement to any lawn.
Overall Turf Quality
Fairfield tall fescue provides great turfgrass quality in all cool-season climates. Additionally, it has shown notable top turf performance in the harsh environment of the Southern US including Georgia, Mississippi, and Southern California, with performance equal to the best varieties available.
Fairfield is a recommended variety in Virginia and Maryland.
Southeast Region
NTEP Trials
Turfgrass Quality - Southeast Region
Two Locations*
Variety | Turf Quality |
Highest Score | 5.9 |
Titan GLX | 5.9 |
Titan Max | 5.6 |
Fairfield | 5.5 |
Gro-Pro | 5.4 |
Galactic | 5.3 |
Lowest Score | 4.1 |
LSD | 0.4 |
Southwest Region
Shade Tolerance
Fairfield has shown excellent shade tolerance, ranking as one of the most shade tolerant varieties available.
NTEP Trials
Shade Tolerance
Ames, IA
Varieties | Turf Quality* |
Highest Score | 6.8 |
Fairfield | 6.6 |
Titan GLX | 6.4 |
Titan Max | 6.0 |
Galactic | 6.3 |
Gro-Pro | 5.7 |
Lowest Score | 5.1 |
LSD | 1.0 |
Traffic Tolerance
Fairfield can handle all sorts of traffic, including backyards and athletic fields with proven traffic tolerance.
NTEP Trials
Traffic Tolerance
Ames, IA
Variety | Turf Quality* |
Highest Score | 6.5 |
Gro-Pro | 6.4 |
Titan GLX | 6.4 |
Titan Max | 6.3 |
Fairfield | 6.3 |
Galactic | 6.3 |
Lowest Score | 5.9 |
LSD | 0.3 |
Dark Green Color
Fairfield is our darkest tall fescue ever! Its rich, dark green turf is an enhancement to any lawn.
NTEP Trials
Genetic Color
Ave. 18 Locations
Variety | Color |
Highest Score | 6.8 |
Fairfield | 6.5 |
Galactic | 6.2 |
Titan GLX | 6.2 |
Titan Max | 6.2 |
Gro-Pro | 6.1 |
Lowest Score | 4.2 |
LSD | 0.1 |
Fine Texture
Fairfield is a fine-leaf textured tall fescue offering elite-level aesthetics, significantly different than older wider bladed varieties.
NTEP Trials
Leaf Texture
Ave. 18 Locations
Variety | Color |
Highest Score | 6.6 |
Titan GLX | 6.5 |
Galactic | 6.4 |
Fairfield | 6.3 |
Titan Max | 6.3 |
Gro-Pro | 5.9 |
Lowest Score | 4.5 |
LSD | 0.2 |
Disease Resistance
Fairfield has demonstrated excellent resistance to red thread and pink patch diseases. In addition to a broad spectrum of improved disease resistance, Fairfield has also demonstrated moderate resistance to brown patch, Pythium blight, pink snow mold, and gray leaf spot.
- Red Thread
- Pink Patch
- Gray Leaf Spot
- Brown Patch (Warm Temp.)
- Brown Patch (Cool Temp.)
- Pythium Blight
- Pink Snow Mold
Red Thread
NTEP Trials
Red Thread Resistance
Columbia, MO
Variety | Resistance |
Highest Score | 9.0 |
Titan Max | 9.0 |
Fairfield | 9.0 |
Gro-Pro | 9.0 |
Titan GLX | 9.0 |
Galactic | 9.0 |
Lowest Score | 8.0 |
LSD | 0.5 |
Pink Patch
Gray Leaf Spot
Brown Patch (Warm Temp.)
Brown Patch (Cool Temp.)
Pythium Blight
Pink Snow Mold
Planting Instructions
For ideal turf, plant Fairfield on fertile, neutral pH soils during the cooler seasons of the year, such as spring and fall. If needing to plant during other times, plan on additional overseeding.
Seeding Rate
Planting Dates
Spring and early fall
Planting Map
Planting Depth
Optimal pH
7-14 days
Mowing Height