Sheeps Fescue Festuca ovina
Sheeps fescue is quite drought tolerant and adapted to poor, but well-drained soil. It is slow growing and often used in unmowed areas, and as an ornamental grass, or as part of a wildflower mixture.
Species Summary
Sheeps fescue is quite drought tolerance and adapted to poor, but well-drained soil. It is slow growing and often used in unmowed areas, and as an ornamental grass, or as part of a wildflower mixture. It can also be mixed with other fine fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass for low maintenance lawns with minimal traffic.
Enhance Your Seed
We provide an array of seed enhancements, including bio stimulants, macro and micronutrients, water absorbents, fungicides, and colorants. These are available for all seed types and uses.
Planting Instructions
Seeding Rate
Planting Dates
Spring and early Fall
Planting Map
Planting Depth
Optimal pH
7-10 days
Mowing Height