Lightning Berseem Clover

Lightning berseem provides explosively fast growth in early spring, offering abundant early forage, multiple harvests and nitrogen-rich biomass.

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Variety Summary

Lightning berseem was bred for fast, early spring production and rapid regrowth. Lightning provides protein-rich forage, abundant nitrogen-fixing cover crop, and insect-beneficial pollinator habitat.

Lightning berseem clover

A Multipurpose Clover

Lightning can be safely grazed by all livestock, mechanically harvested for hay or silage, or chemically terminated for soil regeneration and nitrogen recycling. Additionally, Lightning’s tasty foliage and attractive flowers makes it an ideal component in wildlife and pollinator mixes.

Forage Quality

Lightning has low-bloat, alfalfa-like forage quality comparable to other high-quality annual legumes. It is ideal for adding to thinning alfalfa stands or for increasing quality in multi-species forages systems. Both stem and leave are very digestible and it is rich in protein.


Penn State University

Forage Quality on May 25, 2021

State College, PA



FiXation balansa18.4256.5655.21
Viper balansa16.8752.2854.31
Lightning berseem21.7347.8343.54
WinterKing hairy vetch20.4449.4335.48

Sown September 2020.


University of Tennessee

Cover Crop Trials

Knoxville and Spring Hill, TN



AU Merit Vetch22.824.523.127.128.331.
Frosty berseem20.519.422.326.329.332.
Lightning berseem19.918.922.726.730.332.
Fixation balansa16.718.223.423.032.727.
Viper balansa17.516.723.725.732.431.
Dixie crimson18.116.321.331.029.737.

Nutritional data in percents (%).

All data is the average both sites.

Planted early October 2020.

Nitrogen Production

Lightning has the ability to produce abundant biomass and return profitable amounts of nitrogen. Trial work conducted in Tennessee and Mississippi indicates Lightning to be capable of producing over 2 tons of DM/ac and releasing 150 units of N/ac as far out as 12 weeks after termination.


Mississippi State University

Cover Crop Trials (March 15 Incorporation)*

Average of 2-Sites (Starkville & Newton, MS)



 BiomassPredicted nitrogen available after terminationMarket Value
 DM lbs/acat 2 4 12 wks.Total N$/lb N
Dixie crimson2970213550106$50
FiXation balansa2841203348101$47
AU Merit hairy vetch277619314595$45
Lightning berseem248217284084$40
Frosty berseem273117284187$41
Balady 1 berseem205412192757$27

*Estimated N Release (lbs/A) and Economic Return ($/lb N)

Sown Oct 11-12, 2018.

Data rounded up to next primary number.

Market value assumed fertilizer cost at $0.47 per lb. N.

Mississippi State University

Cover Crop Trials (April 1 Incorporation)*

Average of 2-Sites (Starkville & Newton, MS)



 BiomassPredicted nitrogen available after terminationMarket Value
 DM lbs/ac2 wks.4 wks.12 wks.Total N$/lb N
FiXation balansa3903365370159$75
Lightning berseem4380335066150$71
Frosty berseem4372334965147$69
Dixie crimson3602284256126$59
AU Merit hairy vetch3325284255125$59
Balady 1 berseem204612182555$26

*Estimated N Release (lbs/A) and Economic Return ($/lb N)

Sown Oct 11-12, 2018.

Data rounded up to next primary number.

Market value assumed fertilizer cost at $0.47 per lb. N.


University of Tennessee

Cover Crop Trials (April Termination)*

Knoxville and Spring Hill, TN



 Biomass (DM lbs/ac)2 wks.4 wks.12 wks.Total N
AU Merit Vetch1989213550106
Lightning berseem184515253676
Frosty berseem160414233471
Fixation balansa10617111735
Viper balansa13648131940
Dixie crimson133311182655

*Estimated N release (lbs/ac).

All data is the average of both sites.

Planted early October 2020.

University of Tennessee

Cover Crop Trials (May Termination)*

Knoxville and Spring Hill, TN



 Biomass (DM lbs/ac)2 wks.4 wks.12 wks.Total N
AU Merit Vetch2263294357129
Dixie crimson3577284356127
Frosty berseem2741274254123
Lightning berseem219821324295
Fixation balansa123913202659
Viper balansa109011172250

*Estimated N release (lbs/ac).

All data is the average of both sites.

Planted early October 2020.

Rapid Regrowth

Lightning is capable of rapid regrowth and multiple harvests/grazings, reaching a height of approximately 23” at peak of growth. Up to three cuttings may be harvested, providing at least 2 tons of harvestable DM/ac.

Fall Planting in Northern Climates

At State College, PA, Lightning was able to be harvested a second time on June 23rd, just four weeks after an initial harvest. Yields from the second cutting exceeded the first cut.

Spring Planting in Northern Climates

In 2022, Michigan State University planted Lightning and other berseem clovers on May 17th with three subsequent cuttings in July, August and October. Lightning’s mid-season yields were best and highest amongst the other varieties.

Michigan State University

Spring Plant Forage Trials (Tons DM/AC)


 July 11Aug 17Oct 24Total
Top score1.011.200.852.69

Planted May 17, 2022.

Broad Adaptation

With breeding roots as far south as Texas and extensive testing in the Northern US, Lightning berseem has shown wide adaptation, favoring heavier soil and non-acid soil. Depending on location, it can be planted in the fall for spring production, or in late spring for summer harvest. Lightning has been tested and performed very well in PA, MI, OH, IN, TN, LA, and MS.

April 5, 2023 - Lightning berseem research plot planted 10/14/22 at University of Tennessee - Spring Hill, TN

April 5, 2023 - Lightning berseem research plot planted 10/14/22 at University of Tennessee - Spring Hill, TN

Lightning berseem clover research plot at Penn State University - May 2021

Balady 1 (left) vs. Lightning (right), Penn State University, May 2021 (Planted Sept. 2020)

Winter Hardiness

While berseem is generally expected to winterkill in northern climates, Lightning has shown consistent winter survivability in Pennsylvania and Ohio. This data is limited and caution is still advised for fall plantings where open freezing could occur.

Ohio State University

Winter Hardiness & Forage Yield

South Charleston, OH



 Yield (Tons DM/A)% Stand (5/1/20)
Viper balansa1.62100
AU Merit hairy vetch1.35100
Lightning berseem0.5190
Balady 1 berseem0.00winterkilled

Sown 9/11/19.

Ohio State University

Winter Hardiness & Forage Yield

South Charleston, OH



 Yield (Tons DM/A)% Stand (5/1/20)
Viper balansa0.78100
AU Merit hairy vetch1.01100
Lightning berseem0.5790
Balady 1 berseem0.00winterkilled

Sown 9/20/20.

Penn State University

Winter Hardiness & Forage Yield

State College, PA



 Yield (Tons DM/A)% Stand (5/25/21)
WinterKing hairy vetch3.4389%
Lightning berseem2.7787%
Viper balansa1.6785%
FiXation balansa1.6487%
Balady 1 berseemwinterkilledwinterkilled

Sown September 2020.

Lightning Photos

Planting Instructions

Before you plant

Lightning berseem prefers full sun over shade, moderate to heavy soil, and performs best on ground which retains moisture. While able to grow in acidic soils, Lightning is best adapted to soils between 6.5-7.5 pH. Avoid planting under dry conditions or into drought-prone soil. Lightning can be planted separately or with other species.

In established pastures, remove excess forage through grazing or late season haying. This will help ensure successful seedling emergence and establishment. Reduce weed population prior to planting. Be aware of herbicide carryover/residual of chemicals applications prior to planting.

When planted as a single cultivar, a heavier seeding rate is recommended to suppress weeds.

Fertilization requirements

For optimal performance, conduct a soil test prior to planting and follow lime and fertilizer recommendations. No N required.

When to plant

In warmer climates fall is the ideal time to plant. While Lightning has shown good cold tolerance and resistance to winter damage, regions subject to cold, open winters may find spring and early summer to provide the most consistent results. Transition zone and areas prone to snow cover should be safe against winter damage.

Planting method

Lightning can be sown by broadcasting or drilling. When drilling, plant at ¼” or less. Plant into a prepared/firm seedbed by broadcast or drill. Don’t plant too deep! Planting too deep may lead to poor establishment or stand failure. Cultipacking or dragging before and after seeding.


For optimal performance, Lightning berseem clover should be inoculated with Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii. This is best achieved with Nitro-Coat®.

Seeding Rate

Pure Stand - Broadcast
15-25 lbs/ac
Pure Stand - Drill
7-15 lbs/ac
Mixtures - Broadcast
10-15 lbs/ac
Mixtures - Drilled
5-8 lbs/ac

Planting Dates

Lower Southern USA
Late fall
Upper Southern USA
Mid-late fall or early spring
Northern USA
Early fall or early spring (frost seeding works well). Some areas may experience winter kill during harsh, open winters.

Planting Map

Planting Depth


Optimal pH



Apply lime, potassium and phosphorus per soil test results. No nitrogen is necessary.