FragiBlaster Cover Crop Radish

A deep-rooted radish purposed in breaking through hard sub-surfaces, increasing water permeation, forming root channels, all the while capturing excess nutrients and suppressing weeds.

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Fragipan + Blaster = FragiBlaster


A dense, natural subsurface layer of hard soil with relatively slow permeability to water, mostly because of its extreme density or compactness rather than its high clay content or cementation.


A tool purposed to shatter or demolish something with an agent or explosive device.


An improved deep-rooted cover crop radish purposed in breaking through hard sub-surfaces, increasing water permeation, forming root channels, all the while capturing excess nutrients and suppressing weeds.

Natural Breakthroughs

FragiBlaster cover crop radish is a great all-natural tool to help break though compacted soils and capture excess nutrients left over from crops like corn and soybeans. During the fall growing months, FragiBlaster puts down a deep taproot, opening up macro pores. On the surface, its wide canopy covers the soil surface. The roots break up compaction and the surface coverage reduces weeds and erosion.

Once winter weather sets in, FragiBlaster naturally terminates without any chemical application. As FragiBlaster decomposes, FragiBlaster feeds the good bugs in the ground and most importantly, slowly releases all the captured nutrients. Subsequent crop can take advantage of these “free” nutrients as well as the new root channels and water filtration.

FragiBlaster Cover Crop Radish in a trial

FragiBlaster in fall (December 7, 2020 - Ohio State University).

FragiBlaster Cover Crop Radish in a trial

FragiBlaster in spring (March 3, 2021 - Ohio State University).

Sweeter and Healthier Soils

FragiBlaster’s deep roots dig deep, helping alleviate soil compaction and mellow out the soil. Extensive roots provide new channels for nutrients and water. Additionally, as the tubers break down, they provide a valuable food source for the underground biosphere essential to soil health. For optimal soil improvement, use FragiBlaster in conjunction with other species, such as annual ryegrass and legume.

FragiBlaster Cover Crop Radish, close-up of tuber in ground

FragiBlaster Cover Crop Radish - Blackville, SC - March 2024

FragiBlaster Cover Crop Radish, close-up of tuber and hole it created

FragiBlaster Cover Crop Radish - Blackville, SC - March 2024

Natural Weed Suppression

FragiBlaster naturally suppresses winter weeds. Abundant top-growth smothers many weeds and blocks sunlight from initiating germination to unwanted plants. Additionally, FragiBlaster excretes biochemicals which slows and even stop the growth of weed plants around it, leaving ground clean and ready for spring planting.

FragiBlaster Photos

Planting Instructions

FragiBlaster should be planted at least one month prior to the average first killing frost at a depth of 1/4–1/2", or 1" if necessary to get moisture. Plant by either broadcasting, drill or precision planting at the listed rates and add 60# N/ac, unless sufficient available through residual.

Seeding Rate

Broadcast - Pure Stand
8-10 lbs/ac
Broadcast - In a mix
4-5 lbs/ac
Drilled - Pure Stand
8 lbs/ac
Drilled - In a mix
2-4 lbs/ac
Precision (15") - Pure Stand
4 lbs/ac
Precision (15") - In a mix
1-3 lbs/ac

Planting Dates

FragiBlaster should be planted at least one month prior to the average first killing frost.

Planting Map

Planting Depth

1/4-1/2" or 1" if necessary to get moisture


Add 60# N/ac, unless sufficient available through residual