
Isabel - Our New Kentucky Bluegrass Debuts

June 2021June 2021 (Spanish)

Isabel - Our New Kentucky Bluegrass Debuts

New for harvest 2021, we are pleased to offer Isabel Kentucky bluegrass. This new bluegrass offers attractive turf at an affordable price. Isabel is ideal for blending with other bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, fine fescue and tall fescue.

Bred for great turf quality and early spring growth, Isabel wakes up quickly in the spring. Isabel has deep rich green color. Under low maintenance conditions, Isabel has demonstrated good response to drought stress. As a “Shamrock type”, Isabel is medium dark green and has fine texture. An aggressive sod-forming rhizome root system helps fill in gaps and provides lush, tight-knit turf perfect for sod farms, athletic fields, and for everyday play in the backyard with bare feet.

We believe you will find Isabel Kentucky bluegrass to be a great addition to your turf seed lineup. Isabel was trialed at Rutgers University under experiment name A16-6. See trial data and learn more about Isabel and our other turfgrass options at SmithSeed.com. Contact your Smith Seed Representative to get your early order in now.

Isabel Kentucky bluegrass logo

Crop Update

As of this report, the Willamette Valley has received over an inch of much needed rain the past week. This week, however, is hot, and the warm temperatures will increase the ripening pace of the grasses that were not close to maturity. We are seeing windrowers everywhere and anticipate farmers can begin combining very shortly, weather permitting.

As some of the early fescues go down, those concerning thin spots in the fields are really standing out. We expect a wide range of yields. Regarding annual ryegrass, our observations are that the crop in general looks to be okay. By next month, we should be able to give some preliminary yield reports on these and the other early crops.

Windrower harvesting seed

Ask/Sold Out - What’s the Difference?

For those of you who receive our price list, you might sometimes wonder why we put “ask” on some items, “sold out” on other, and why it seems like there are more items without prices than with! Fair questions and ones we ask ourselves. :)

For starters, we want to communicate with you as often as it seems beneficial, even when we don’t have any solid answers to pricing questions. As you may already know, sometimes an item won’t be available till next harvest. This is an example of when we might list it as “sold out.” It means we don’t have any for the time being, but expect to have it available sometime in the future. We use “ask” when we believe that product is available or will be available soon, but we just can’t pin down the price or the quantity. This can be due to market instability, very low availability, quality limitations, or simply timing,

Regardless of what is shown on the price sheet, please don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call or send us an email with any of your questions. Thanks much for your business and friendship!