
Crop and Market Update

October 2021October 2021 (Spanish)

Sorry, No Price Sheet This Month

We apologize, but are not able to send out updated prices. Please contact with specific price inquiries.

Crop and Market Update

It is hard to properly describe the wild ride our industry began this summer. In addition to trying to determine crop availability, pricing has been very difficult. One direct impact of this has been the ability to publish prices. This will be the third straight month where we feel it best to not attempt to publish a price list. Below we will try to provide some information about the crop and market for key species. If you need assistance with pricing, please contact us directly about specific needs.

Annual Ryegrass

Supply seems to be generally good, however select varieties had poor production. Overall, usage seems to be normal, especially proprietary varieties and price seems currently stable. Tetraploids are more available than diploids.

Perennial Ryegrass

Both forage and turf perennial ryegrass supply concerns remain. A good amount of the Oregon crop still needs to be cleaned and tested. Some imported and non-Valley production harvests are yet to be determined. Associated poor crops of creeping red fescue and Kentucky bluegrass are exacerbating the pressure on both availability and price. Volatility is expected to continue for some time.

Tall Fescue

With limited carryover, reduced crop yields and high demand, both turf and forage fescues have been moving as fast as they can be cleaned. While it is too early to know for sure, at this point, end-user consumption appears to be strong this fall. As with perennial ryegrass, not all seed harvested has been cleaned, and won’t be for awhile. Additionally, tall fescue sometimes plays a substitutionary role for the other cool season turf grasses, which are all in short supply. Volatility is expected to continue for some time on this as well.


Carryover stocks did not last long in holding price down. Oregon supplies look like they will be stretched thin this year, however, imported seed is expected to help fill some of the shortages and govern some of the rise of price. While not necessarily stable, this one is not as scary as other crops.

Kentucky Bluegrass

Non-irrigated production areas were severely hurt. Irrigated acres performed better, but overall, availability has suffered. This one has seen some of the wildest price increases and discrepancies. It is frankly difficult to speculate on where prices will settle.

Fine Fescues

Creeping red and Chewings virtually not available. Limited supplies of hard and sheep. Volatile.


Poor crop has led to higher prices. Price now not the issue, but availability.


Simply not available.


Poor yields are causing this market to be strong. As seed gets cleaned volatility may increase.

Crimson Clover

Consumption has been excellent this summer regardless of a few price jumps. Market pricey, but stable.

White Clover

Short supplies and limited harvest expectations have fed continuous price increases. Still volatile.

Red Clover

Demand seems as if it will exceed supply. Limited offering. Strong prices. Volatile.

Balansa Clover

Interest in this species continues to grow. Price stable.

Alsike Clover

No solid data on new crop. Some carryover exists.

Hairy Vetch

Supplies look ample. Price appears to be stable.

Winter Pea

Drought conditions in Idaho have greatly reduced the Austrian pea yields . Supply appears to be extremely tight now. Expect rising prices, as we are a long ways away from resupply in August 2022.

Birdsfoot trefoil

Limited supply with concerns about new crop. Hoping for more information in November.