
The Value of Carrying Improved Forages

January 2020

Improved forage solutions? Yep, we got ‘em!

If you want to provide your customers with products which can make a difference, our forage lineup should be part of your lineup. We have a solid base of top-performing perennial grasses and legumes, including the ones shown in the ads below. Each one of these varieties has years of proven performance from both independent evaluator and the farmers that make their living from feeding livestock through grazing and hay. It’s a lot of hard work, as well as risk to provide high quality seed of top performing varieties. But when we hear how our varieties are helping our customer and their farmers - well, it makes us feel like it is worth the effort.

So, if you aren’t on board yet with improved forage solutions, please consider this your formal invitation!

advertisment for Cajun II, Renovation and Persist
advertisment for KY-Early, Renovation and Payday