Carolina Lawns
An excellent resource for planting lawns, especially in North and South Carolina.
Fine fescues: A review of the species...
Interested in learning all about fine fescues? Read this extensive paper about the species.
Lime and Turf
A thorough, yet easy to read article about liming turfgrass, soil pH, and nutrient availablity, by VA Tech's Mike Goatley, Jr. Ph.D.
Plant A New Lawn
Have you ever considered replacing your lawn? These videos will give you an explanation about the project, some reasons to replant a lawn, and the four general steps of planting a new lawn.
Planting Tall Fescue
Helpful information regarding starting a new lawn or overseeding an existing lawn, repairing bare spots and maintenance.
Titan GLX Turf-Type Tall Fescue - Prepare for Your Summer Vacation
Just 37 days after planting, Titan GLX has already put down nearly five inches of roots, even though its top growth is less than an inch tall.
Turfgrass Helps With Runoff
EPA Chesapeake Bay Report concludes "dense vegetative cover of turfgrass on a lawn reduces pollution and runoff."