Are there any potential problems with using Nitro-Coated® seed?
Important pre-inoculation and coating criteria to insure inoculation success are 1) maximizing high numbers of the best Rhizobium strains in the initially coated seed, yet 2) eliminating coating break-down in the bag during handling and shipment. Australian researchers had reported that Rhizobium survival on pre-inoculated seed is highly variable by company and can be very poor after pre-inoculation due to several factors. Two very important factors in their findings were the Rhizobium strains and polymer adhesives used by different companies. Certain strains were less prone to death and different adhesive polymers dried at different rates leading to different levels of Rhizobium survival. Therefore, it is important to use a coating process like Nitro-Coat® that has an excellent track record of quality control measures to insure best results. The Nitro-Coat® process is uniquely designed, equipped and operated to ensure a consistent high level of live Rhizobium and seed durability.