Bolta Balansa Clover Timelapse
A time-lapse video showing the growth of Bolta balansa clover from 6 to 130 days.
Vernal Alfalfa Timelapse
A time-lapse video showing the growth of Vernal alfalfa from 6 to 130 days.
Legume Study (Part 1 & 2)
An in-depth, two-part series exploring various legume species cultivated in the Southeast. Part 1 captures growth at 129 days post-planting, while Part 2 documents the trial's conclusion at 167 days post-planting.
Estudio de Cubo de Trébol Blanco
Mire estos videos para obtener más información sobre las amplias características de difusión de Renovación e Kakariki Tréboles blancos
Observaciones de Arvejas y Arvejas en Pastoreo - 2019
Únase a nosotros para visitar el campus de investigación Edisto de Clemson en Blackville, SC. Veremos el final de la cola de un estudio de cultivo de cobertura "modificado" seguido de una revisión de la raíz de las plantas que desenterramos.
Lightning Berseem Clover Study
In this video, we explore the growth patterns of Lightning berseem clover over a 175-day period. Lightning berseem clover is a multipurpose plant useful for forage, cover crop and attracting wildlife.
Patagonia Inta Hairy Vetch Timelapse
A time-lapse video showing the growth of Patagonia Inta Hairy Vetch from 6 to 130 days.
Patagonia Inta Hairy Vetch Study
When it comes to obtaining fast growth and substantial biomass from cool season legumes, hairy vetch stands out. This was evident in our recent trial of Patagonia Inta hairy vetch. This video shows our observations over a 175-day growth period.
Dixie Crimson Clover Timelapse
A time-lapse video showing the growth of Dixie crimson clover from 6 to 130 days.
Legume Study (Part 1)
An in-depth exploration of multiple legume species, 129 days after planting. Legume species planted include: hairy vetch, crimson clover, balansa clover, medium red clover, berseem clover, white clover & vernal alfalfa.
Viper & Bolta Balansa Clover Study
In this video, we explore two varieties of Balansa clover—Viper and Bolta—both planted on December 9, 2023, in the southeastern United States.
Dixie Crimson Clover Study
In this video, we explore Dixie crimson clover, one of the most commonly used cool season annual clovers. We planted it on December 9, 2023, as part of a small trial of legume species in the Southeast and observed its growth over 175 days.