Raigrás anual

Annual ryegrass is a great addition to food plot formulas, as it puts down fantastic roots, grows very fast, and is easily digestible. Choose the best variety for your region and application.

  • FrostProof

    Diploid Annual Ryegrass

    FrostProof is an improved ryegrass that handles cold weather and provides superior forage production.

  • Big Boss

    Tetraploid Annual Ryegrass

    BIG yields. FAST gains. STRONG disease resistance. LOTS of sugar. BIG is better!

  • Attain

    Tetraploid Annual Ryegrass

    Achieve better gains with Attain. Recommended by producers and researchers alike for high yields, season-long performance, and excellent re-growth.

  • Ed

    Diploid Annual Ryegrass

    Ed is cold tolerant, crown rust resistant and has the strength of a diploid ryegrass.