Mid-Harvest Report
Since our last report, the Willamette Valley weather has been ideal for finishing the crop. Harvesting and cleaning is now in full swing. We’ve even begun shipping new crop fawn, KY-31, annual ryegrass, crimson, and some brassicas. Next up, we expect to start seeing orchardgrass tests, followed by turf-type tall fescue.
Many of the farmer-cleaner facilities are burning the midnight oil and shipping out seed as fast as it gets cleaned and tested. With harvest and cleaning priorities, its hard to get some to talk about pricing.
So how about yields? Well, its just too early to tell. So far, “a bit below average” is the closest to any sort of measurement we can gather. We will know more as harvest progresses.
And prices? So far, there has not been any softening in key markets like annual ryegrass and forage fescues. If anything, they are both stronger for prompt purchases.
Just ASK!
You probably noticed that a number of items on our price sheet say “ASK”. This is because on those items grower prices have not been established yet. So, please ASK on any items you needs immediate pricing on. If we can quote, we will. If not, we will give you what we know about the market.
Look forward to hearing from you soon!
Take a look at these new cover crop offerings!
CCS 779 Daikon Radish
This is the original radish that started the rage. Certified quality. Tried and true genetics. Available in both raw and coated by the bag or in totes. More at CCS779Radish.com.

LowBoy Low-Growing Annual Ryegrass
LowBoy low-growing annual ryegrass With a unique growth habit, Lowboy is a tool you need to add to your cover crop toolbox. LowBoy offers increased weed suppression, improved cold tolerance, deep roots, and easier termination. Ideal for straight seeding and blending. Visit LowBoyRyegrass.com to see data, root videos and more.

AU Merit Hairy Vetch
We are very excited to offer this fine Alabama-bred hairy vetch. Extensively tested, it has shown 12% yield over common hairy vetch. Seed should be available by September first. See test results, photos and more at AUMeritVech.com.