
  • Plants in black fabric containers. One plant is much taller than the others.

    Berseem Clover Comparison - Single vs. Multi Cut

    In this video, we’re comparing two berseem clover varieties: Balady 1 and Lightning. These observations offer hands-on insights into the distinct characteristics of single cut versus multi-cut clovers.

  • Close up photo of clover plants in pots.

    Legume Study (Part 1 & 2)

    An in-depth, two-part series exploring various legume species cultivated in the Southeast. Part 1 captures growth at 129 days post-planting, while Part 2 documents the trial's conclusion at 167 days post-planting.

  • Hairy vetch plants in a trial plot

    Legume Cover Crop Trial

    Penn State University


    A walkthrough of the 2021 Penn State Cover Crop Trial legume plots. We look at three species' performance and varietal traits.

  • Vetch and Winter Pea trials in Edisto, SC

    Observaciones de Arvejas y Arvejas en Pastoreo - 2019


    Únase a nosotros para visitar el campus de investigación Edisto de Clemson en Blackville, SC. Veremos el final de la cola de un estudio de cultivo de cobertura "modificado" seguido de una revisión de la raíz de las plantas que desenterramos.

  • Close up of white clover roots

    Estudio de Cubo de Trébol Blanco

    Mire estos videos para obtener más información sobre las amplias características de difusión de Renovación e Kakariki Tréboles blancos